Unscramble this word: Rdbpaceelit

Here is the answer.



I’ll tell you why that word matters in a minute.  *|FNAME|*, I want you to be real right now. Think about that weight loss or health goal that has been eluding you.

Lose 40 pounds.

Get to 15% body fat. 

Successfully complete a marathon. 

Get off all your medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, etc.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All are admirable goals, but let me ask you this:

Have you invested in the tools, programs, or coaching to actually accomplish it?

Yes? ...Or no?

Take sports.

In sports, a lot of expectations are already set for what to do to be successful:

  • You need a coach.

  • You need a team.

  • You need certain equipment.

  • You need to practice every day.

With weight loss and health, most of us obsess over celebrities' bodies, Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Lawrence, Mark Wahlberg, J-Lo. We assume they have some kind of magic potion they drink to make them fit and healthy. Or, we just assume "plastic surgery or crazy hormone injections" and write it off as unattainable, right? 

We are blind because we only see the end result.

We think, “Oh cool, all I need is that magic pill, or hormone injection, and I will get fit and healthy overnight." We say, "

  • I don’t need a coach.”

  • I don’t need support.”

  • I don’t need to buy anything.”

  • I don’t need to make time for this.”

In short, most people become “wishful thinkers”. I shake my head in sadness every time I see someone comment on a post with a person with an amazing body and they say "I wish I had arms like that." or "I wish I had abs like that". etc. Those are "wishful thinkers". Have you ever said that about someone? Be honest.

Ever noticed something about the wishful thinkers?

They’re always wishing, commenting, planning, researching weight loss magical solutions, the next fad diet, or the next tea that promises to shrink your belly overnight but never invest in themselves.

So they never make progress. They keep on wishing. And those wishes get further and further away as each day passes. This is where the word PREDICTABLE comes in. Are you PREDICTABLE? Are you one of the masses that wishes and wants but never actually does anything about it? Are you armed with a million excuses? I call them the "I don'ts". I don't..
...have time."
...have money."
...have the support."
...have the willpower."
...have the energy."

The world is full of people who say "I don't" and those are the people who DON'T get their goals achieved. Period. They PREDICTED their failure with that negative mindset and chose not to bother with trying to make progress towards their goals. 

My tip today is this:

Don’t be a predictable, wishful, I don't-er.

If you have been, consider this your wake-up call.

Make a decision to go after what you want.

And then follow these steps to make it happen:

Step 1: Be brutally honest with yourself.

You have to be honest about what you’ve been saying versus what you haven’t done. You need to identify the excuses you have been making, the "I wish" and "I don'ts" in your life right now. 

Meaning, you gotta face the hypocrisy of saying

  • “I wanna be fit”... but not getting coaching from someone who is fit.

  • “I wanna lose weight”... but not committing your money, time, and effort to a weight loss program.

  • “I wanna be healthy”... but not changing anything about your lifestyle to be healthier every day and just expecting it to magically happen.

  • "I wanna start that weight loss program, but I can't afford it"..but then you spend $1,000 on the new iPhone.

Step 2: Write out a specific plan of WHAT you will accomplish and WHEN. 

Use this template.


Here are some examples: 

  • I will commit to and invest in a fitness, nutrition, and coaching program by April 1st, 2021 at 9pm.

  • I will lose 10 pounds by May 1, 2021 at 8pm.

  • I will stop eating fast food and junk food completely by June 1, 2021 at 5pm.

Step 3: Stay in the conversation.

  • Keep the goal top of mind and force yourself to think about it. Every. Single. Day.

  • Put an alarm on your phone so you have to look at it every morning.

  • Create a group text or chat with other people who have the same goal.

  • Put it on Post-It notes all over your house.

Step 4: Post your plan on social media. That way your friends will hold you accountable. 

Step 5: Start working on that plan! There is ONLY ONE DIFFERENCE between people who are fit and healthy and people who are not:

PEOPLE WHO ARE FIT AND HEALTHY INVEST THEIR TIME, MONEY AND SHITLOADS OF EFFORT INTO BEING FIT AND HEALTHY, EVERY DAY. They are consistent. It's a daily journey, an investment, a marathon, a long-term plan. 

People who are not fit and healthy do not. People who are not fit and healthy may try something but throw in the towel if it "doesn't work" in 2 weeks. People who are not fit and healthy spend their money on fast food, video games, and the latest gadgets, then complain they can't afford a fitness trainer.  People who are not fit and healthy complain they don't have time to workout or meal prep, but they spend 3 hours a day scrolling social media and bingeing the latest TV show on Netflix. It's an endless cycle of zero self-awareness. Wishing with their mouths, but sabotaging with their behaviors. Predictable.  

Change what is predictable about yourself.

Change it right now so that in a year you’ll feel pride, instead of regret.

-The Fire Team Whiskey Cadre

P.S. If you are ready to stop being predictable and are ready to invest in your future goals, click here and set up a FREE 20-minute consultation call. We will work with you to figure out the best place to start and get you started a.s.a.p. These guys and gals below invested in themselves and are pretty damn happy with their decision to finally take action.