If you have regrets about your health and fitness read this....

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It’s everyone’s fear.


We all are afraid that moment. That moment when you get the bad news from your doctor. You have high blood pressure. You have diabetes. You have clogged arteries. You are at risk. You are at risk for cancer, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, loss of limbs, and death.

All because you JUST COULDN’T DO IT. You tried. You tried a few times. A few times you lost some weight. But those old habits crept back in. You forgot. You got lazy. Life happened. And here you are, staring down a long list of horrific medical issues.

Fear hits you like a Mac Truck. What if I have a heart attack and die? I will never get to see my kids graduate, or get married, or meet my grandkids. What if I have to get dialysis 3 times a week for the rest of my life? I will never be able to travel again and take that dream trip that the wife and I have been saving for years. What if I go blind? How would I get around? I would have to stop working. I would go broke. Disability can’t even cover half of my mortgage.

But we continue through life and push these thoughts away.

But then the moment hits us. The bad news from the doctor. The heart attack. The debilitating medical issues.


At that moment, anyone in that situation would give every single cent they own to take it all back. Turn back time and put in the hard work and the time, make the sacrifices and get the help they need to get healthy and stay healthy.

The beauty of life is that if you woke up still breathing, it’s not too late.

No matter how many times you have failed, how many medical conditions you currently have, how much weight you have to lose, it’s not too late.

The medical system can’t help you. All they can do is try the best they can to slow your disease process and dampen the suffering as much as possible. The medical system will not cure you. Those cholesterol medications, diabetes medications, blood thinners, etc. they all are designed to slow your disease. They WILL NOT CURE YOU.

There is only one cure. YOU and YOUR COMMITMENT to DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to get your health back and to live a long, healthy, joyful, disease-free life.

If you don’t think you deserve that, then we can refer you to some mental health professionals to help you get to that place, but for those of you who think you deserve this, well….

THIS IS YOUR SIGN. DO IT, DO IT NOW. Not tomorrow. Not next month. Not next year. That moment of regret can happen at any time. Chances are, you are one of the 88% of Americans that are metabolically unhealthy. You already have several risk factors that can turn into a major medical event or condition any day now. Diabetes. Stoke. Cancer. Heart attack. Or, as we have learned, having severe and potentially deadly complications from something as simple as a flu virus. (If you are overweight, you have triple the risk of hospitalization due to a COVID-19 infection)


You can only fail if you quit. No matter where you are at right now in your health journey, do not quit.

But before you get back on the horse and start riding full speed ahead, can I make a recommendation so you don’t keep getting lost?

Get help from somebody who’s already been there and back who can get you there safely.

Get help from someone who has helped many others reverse their disease processes and claim their health back.

Once you’ve mastered that, set some good habits, and shown some consistency, you can blaze your own trail. And heck, who knows? Maybe you will be inspired to help others do the same just like Fire Team Whiskey Trainers Cory Sanden, Jim Wolter, and Billy Capps, all were clients of Fire Team Whiskey, lost CRAZY INSANE weight and whose lives were so dramatically changed with their newfound health, they were inspired to become Fire Team Whiskey Coaches and help others do the same.

But for now, will you let us guide you? 

Give us 90 days. We will prove to you that it’s not too late. We promise you that if you do our program for 90 days, at the end of the 90 days, you will have no regrets. Well, actually that’s a lie. The only regret you will have will be that you didn’t do this sooner!

Go here. Sign up. Do it now. Let’s start living life knowing we will have no regrets.

-Captain Lincoln and the Fire Team Whiskey Cadre