Can Marijuana Help People Lose Weight?

There are different names of drugs that come from the same cannabis plant and marijuana is one of them. Although it is illegal in various regions around the world and still raise eyebrows when its name is called out loud, as it is often used as a drug or for recreations. However, recent and advanced medical researchers have found that marijuana has some therapeutic and medical benefits. There is an actual weed doctor to help you with getting marijuana for medical purposes. There are a lot of speculations about the benefits and side-effects marijuana has, as it is novel in the field of medicine. The full potential and limitations of the drug are yet to be explored. However, we can help you with the fact that to what extent these facts about marijuana are true and not.

Is it helpful for weight loss?

This is the most common question regarding marijuana and people are eager to know about the validity of it. So, the answer to it has been varying from person to person. One of the most known facts about marijuana is ‘munchies. It is found to increase the appetite, that is one of the main reasons that it got approved for medical purposes. Cancer patients often lose appetite after chemotherapy, so it is usually used to treat them, and it helps them gain body weight. However, for a healthy regular user, it is found to have different effects. Some might gain weight by its usage and some might not. However, its part to help a person lose weight is still ambiguous, therefore, it would be wrong to make any such claim. 

Why most of the marijuana users are thin?

Well, it is true to some extent that most people who smoke weed tend to be thin, which has led to the misconception that it can help lose weight. On the contrary, the popular effect of marijuana i.e. munchies increase the appetite which makes it users eat a healthier diet and exercise, which is why they tend to be thin. Moreover, marijuana was found to be effective to reduce the symptom of diabetes and obesity, which is why it helps to keep a person’s physicality intact rather than making him/her loose or gain weight. 

Is it beneficial for health at all?

Marijuana has shown some benefits for both physical and mental health through experimentation and research. It is found to be helpful for people with stress and depression. It has a relaxing effect. It helps you stay motivated with whatever you are doing, either at a job or studies. It does not contribute to losing weight, but it surely can be a cheerleader and help you stay focused to exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It can help to relieve muscular pain thus, enhancing your mobility.

Marijuana is helpful to cope with addiction, particularly alcoholic drinks. It has been observed that people who smoke marijuana tend to drink less alcohol. We can all agree on the fact that lack of sleep can lead us to some major health hazards including abnormal weight gain, headaches, and stress. Marijuana helps you get sound sleep, which can eradicate all the issues caused by insomnia. It reduces stress that might be the cause of insomnia and can be effective for your overall well-being. Marijuana has cannabinoids that interact with cannabinoids receptor 1; which plays a major role in monitoring our metabolism and food intake, which means that that it is also helpful in boosting up our metabolism. 

The Bottomline:

To be honest, there is no clear evidence of the fact that marijuana plays any role in helping us lose weight, however, this fact cannot overshadow the other medical and therapeutic benefits that this drug offer. Just like any other regular medication, you should not try this on your own because it might have some effects, and it is also illegal in some countries. If you want to try medical marijuana, you must consult a professional for that because for legally buying it, you need a card signed from a medical marijuana doctor. Moreover, if you are taking any other medicine, then marijuana can be harmful to you. To cut this short, you need a proper medical checkup and professional help to opt for marijuana as a medicine.