Hard work does not guarantee success...this is why you continue to fail

This will probably make you uncomfortable, and probably mad, but it's the truth. And that is all you get from Fire Team Whiskey. We don’t sugar coat shit and tell ya it’s a cookie.

The #1 excuse people use for not getting shit done, always has to do with time.

Underachievers will say...
“I’m too busy”

“I don’t have time”

“I get home from work too late and I need sleep”

“I worked 12 hour days”

“I can’t get up early, I am not a morning person.”

“I am a single mom/dad, I have no time.”

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


I know tons of people who work hard, are single moms/dads, work 12 hour days, have 5 jobs, have 5 kids, etc. etc. etc. but the difference between those who are actually successful with their fitness and weight loss goals and those who don’t is SACRIFICE!

Do you really not have the time, or are you not willing to cancel a tee time, give up watching Netflix, stay in on a Saturday night while your friends are out partying, or go to sleep later and wake up earlier?

Be honest with yourself, and don’t give me that “oh my god, but I need MEEEEEE time”...


It was pretty damn easy to gain that weight wasn’t it? Take how easy to gain that weight, multiply times 10 and that is the HARD FACTOR for what you now need to do to lose that weight. If you don’t make the sacrifices, for example; cancel that Netflix account, set your alarm for an hour earlier, instead of ordering Uber eats, get your ass to the grocery store and make some healthy damn food, you will NEVER, I mean NEVER succeed. And, each day that goes by where you put it off, you are adding 10 more really freaking hard days to that journey of achieving that goal.

Every time I see someone online asking for weight loss tips, I say the same thing: GET A COACH. Make the sacrifice. If something is important to you, you will invest the time and money to get it. So, hat new Apple Phone, you had the money and the time to buy that. That vacation? you had the money and the time to do that. But get a coach to help me with my weight loss? Oh no, I don’t have time and money for that!

What is sad is that the people who say this can’t even smell the bullshit coming out of their own mouths.

Think of getting a coach as an investment. You are saying “This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS that I need to focus my time, money and energy on.” That is a huge statement. Or if it’s more inspiring tell yourself that…

I am investing in being alive when my youngest kid has children and I get to actually meet my grandkids.

I am investing in not having horiffic health problems like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

I am investing in waking up every day and feeling healthy, lean, strong, energetic and happy.

I am investing in ME. Not Apple, Netflix or Disney. ME, because I am important and my money, time and energy should be invested in ME and my wellbeing and in turn, the wellbeing of my family.

Make the sacrifice! Get a coach!

P.S. If you’re going to reject this opportunity to get better, then that’s fine, but just be honest and tell yourself, “It’s not the right time, because I’m not willing to make the sacrifice.” If you are ready, then don’t even hesitate a second and allow time for your old excuses to pop back up, sign up now.

Captain Steph Lincoln and The Fire Team Whiskey Cadre
(The People Who Really Give A Shit About Your Health And Are Willing To Tell You The Truth)