We know why you are not doing it.....


You know what you SHOULD do.

You know you should eat less sugar.

You know you should workout at least 5 days a week.

You know you shouldn't sit on your butt playing video games or bingeing tv for hours a day.

You know you should be working on those New Year's goals you promise yourself you would work on 23 days ago.

So why aren’t you doing it?


Because you SHOULD do it.

But to get results, you need to replace “should” with “have to”.

Because you always do the things you have to.

You have to go to work so you do it.

You have to pay your phone bill so you do it.

You have to pay your mortgage so you do it.

You have to take the kids to school so you do it.

Life is full of HAVE TO'S, but why can't you get those SHOULD DO'S done? 

What’s the big secret? Why do you know people who have lost the weight, kept it off and you struggle, year after year, and no matter what, you never seem to be able to do the same. 

We have the answer.

Raise the f****** stakes.

Put so much pressure on yourself that you absolutely MUST do it. Your SHOULD DO becomes a HAVE TO. 

This applies to all aspects of life, but e-s-p-e-c-i-a-l-l-y to your fitness and health.

If you really want to get fit and lose weight, hire an expert to make it happen. In fact, pay an insane amount of money for it. Hire someone that costs so much that it will make you wince with pain when you hit the "buy" button.

Sounds crazy, but here’s what will happen:

You will step up.

You will work hard. 

You will lose the weight.

Why? Because when the pain of losing your money and not getting results exceeds the pain of actually paying for it, there’s literally no other option.

Case in point:

94% of people don't achieve their New Year's weight loss goals. Why? I am willing to bet that most of them just opted for a D.I.Y approach. They joined a gym and thought that would be enough motivation to get them to go (nope, they went 4 times and never went back). They bought a book that told them how to eat better (they read 2 pages). They said, "I'll just not eat out" (four days later they are sitting with all the other folks in the Chic Filet drive-through line).

When you have someone watching your move, riding your butt every day like a drill sergeant, you don’t waste time thinking “should I do my workout or not” or "should I get that milkshake on my way home from work". The automatic answer is "HELL NO, I just paid a crazy amount of money for an online personal trainer and if I fail to do my workout or have that milkshake, I might as well throw that money out the window". 

Bottom line?

You get what you pay for. Bring on the f****** pressure. Put yourself in a situation where your SHOULD becomes a HAVE TO. Make it painful to fail. Raise the stakes. Bet on yourself. INVEST IN YOURSELF!

So here’s what I want you to do:

Sign up for Fire Team Whiskey's most expensive package. It's $498.95. You are committing to 90 days. 90 days, we watch you like a hawk. Every bite you take. Every workout you do. Every heartbeat that beats in your chest. Every sip of water. Every ounce you put on or lose. We track it. We monitor it. We hold you accountable to your commitment. If you fail, you only have yourself to blame, and your out almost $500, so YOU CAN'T FAIL.

The stakes are high. You WILL NOT FAIL. 

Sign up here


P.S. 4 years ago, I put $250,000 dollars on the line. I decided to invest in myself and my dream to start a business in hopes to eradicate the military veteran and first responder obesity epidemic and it was the MOST intense pressure I’ve ever felt in my life. When you are passionate about something, you double down and make sure you can't fail. 4 years later, I am still on this mission, we have helped hundreds of people permanently lose weight and resolve chronic health conditions. Pressure's on. You cannot fail. 

-Captain Lincoln and the Fire Team Whiskey Cadre