Here are exact quotes of people who have either joined Fire Team Whiskey and quit or said they wanted to join and then they never joined....

"I don't have time."

"I can't afford it."

"I can't eat healthy because I only have $8 a day for food."

"Iv'e got a lot going on right now."

"I have a disability."

"I have too much weight to lose."

"My job keeps me from working out."

"Eating healthy is not conducive to my lifestyle."

"I just want to lose weight and not have to do anything."

Yes, seriously folks. We have HEARD IT ALL. In a series of posts, we are going to completely demolish these EXCUSES, because that what they are, but for today let these marinate. Have you used these excuses? We have in the past for sure. But it's never too late to change the dialogue. You can, TODAY, say, "I am done with these EXCUSES. I refuse to remain a victim of circumstances. I am going to overcome every single one, because I KNOW I CAN

P.s. If you have never heard of David Goggins, Google him. He is the DEFINITION of overcoming excuses and circumstances that any other person would have let keep them down. Check out his book Can't Hurt Me, it will change your life.