Keto and Digestive Health

We have some exciting news to share from our friends at BiOptimizers. They are about to launch a new keto product called kApex - a ketogenesis optimizer enzyme.

BiOptimizers creates a breakthrough line of nutritional supplements focused primarily on digestive health. The Company’s mission is to "End physical suffering by optimizing digestion and activating awesome health" and they are doing a great job since joining the market in 2004.

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, 95 million Americans suffer from an identifiable digestive issue. Even more shocking: 74% of Americans live with daily GI discomfort and 12% of emergency hospital visits are due to digestive issues. It’s a massive market with a strong pain point and BiOptimizers fixes these issues better than anyone else.

However, due to the perceived embarrassment associated with digestive symptoms, there is a lack of understanding of the enormous impact digestive disorders have and a profound unwillingness to shed more light on the subject.
Over the years, BiOptimizers’ founders Wade and Matt have worked with, and the Company has been promoted by some of the most respected names in the online health world including:
- Dave Asprey from Bulletproof
- Ty Bollinger (Truth About Cancer)
- Elliott Hulse (Strength Camp)
- Ben Greenfield Fitness
- Yuri Elkaim Healthpreneur
- Vince Delmonte Fitness
- Ben Pakulski Pro Bodybuilding
- Drew Bledsoe (Barbell Shrugged)
- Pete Evans (Celebrity Chef)
- Kevin Harrington (Original Shark Tank and As Seen on TV Producer) and many more.

They've also been featured on some of the biggest health conferences in the world including NTA (Nutritional Therapy Association), Upgrade Labs, and they are getting ready to speak at the Canfitro and CHFA stages now.

Want to find more about what they do and how BiOptimizers can help you to fix your digestive issues? Go to:

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