Reverse Aging: 3 Ways to Turn Back Time

There are three research proven ways to turn back the clock with your health and fitness:  Intermittent fasting, a low glycemic index diet  and high intensity interval training.

Intermittent fasting, which is going without any food or drink (other than non-calorie hydration) for a period of 8 to 20 hours. Fasting triggers something called autophagy in your body’s cells. Basically, you are giving your cells the “break” they need to get DNA debris and waste products out. When they are so busy processing the products of your food being delivered to it, it reduces the amount of time your cells get to repair themselves.  Research shows that fasting is the most effective way to reverse cell age in your body.

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are the major contributors to cell ageing.  AGEs speed up the aging process in your body and cause damage over time to your organs, your joints, arterial walls and skin. Where do these AGE’s come from? AGE’s are produced when a person has high blood sugar. This doesn’t just happen in people with Diabetes. AGEs are produced any time a person reaches a certain blood sugar high threshold. What spikes your blood sugar? Wheat-flour based foods, sugar, fmost fruit and most grains. Looking up “low Glycemic index foods” is the best way to ensure that your body’s production of AGEs is minimal (your joints and arterial walls will thank you).

Research also shows that HIIT type training has many more benefits than traditional slower to moderate paced exercise. HIIT has been shown to stimulate a significantly higher, total workout calorie burn and EPOC (post workout afterburn) compared to continuous steady pace training. There is also a significantly better increase VO2 max, strengthening cardiovascular output as well as size and number of mitochondria, increasing energy production (and guess what, that mitochondria production makes new cells and large mitochondria makes your existing cells act younger!)

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